New 2 bedroom Suite
2 bedroom suite 二房一廳房 2臥室套房 2室套房

1. Available immediately Feb in brand new house
2. Spacious 2 bedrooms with full bathroom and kitchen.
3. Convenience location in Vancouver (just steps to transportation)
- Easy access to UBC (one direct bus), VCC (one direct bus), VGH (one direct bus), and Downtown
-3 mins walking distance to Rupert skytrain, restaurants, shops
-1 min walking distance to Bus Stops
-5 mins walking distance to Superstore, Bank, shopping, restaurants
- very close to No. 1 Hwy, T&T大統華, Art and Design Institute, Nimbus school Vancouver, Burnaby Hospital, parks, schools, and church, etc
4. Very clean house, safe, and quiet neighborhood.
5. Hardwood Wood floor bedrooms with floor heating system
- No smoking/ No pets/ No drugs. No exceptions
- Credit, Employment and Previous Landlord References will be required at the time of application
- One or two people occupancy only
$1500/month includes all Utilities (including heat, water, and electricity). No laundry in this unit (laundromat is near by)
Please email
Leave a cellphone number with a little details of yourself when emailing. Thanks for your cooperation.
We are looking for Japanese professional who is very tidy, very clean, and responsible or Japanese students who are very tidy, very clean, and responsible, since this unit is brand new 2 bedroom suite- 1 bedroom is bigger and another room is standard size. The standard room could be his/her study room (home office) for Japanese professional.
- カテゴリー
- コンドミニアム, 賃貸物件
- 家賃
- 1,500カナダ・ドル/ 月 (光熱費込み)
- デポジット
- 750カナダ・ドル
- 入居時期
- 2017年2月3日以降
- 家具
- なし
- 洗濯機
- コインランドリー
- インターネット
- あり
- 喫煙
- 喫煙不可
- 性別
- 女性希望
- 住所
- Rupert and East Broadway
Google mapが自動で生成しています。そのため表示が正しくない場合もあります
- 最寄り駅
- Rupert skytrain
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- JJ
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