月450ドル(光熱費、インターネット込み)、Kingsway×Victoria Drive すぐの便利な場所です。女性のみの募集です。
Please read carefully. Looking for a female roommate for April 15 for short term only, 30 days plus. Furnished, basic, clean, nothing fancy and separate entrance. Landlord lives upstairs. This is a 2-room sublet. Roommate is a Korean student. One small room is for rent at $450/month. Direct bus to downtown on bus 19. We are 1 block away from Kingsway-Victoria (zone 1), one bus ride (15 min.) to Canada Line at King Edward Station; one bus ride (5 min.) to Skytrain at Commercial-Broadway or Nanaimo Station. Furnished room with linens for single occupancy only. All kitchen utilities provided. No dishwasher. Heat and Wi-fi included in rent. NO laundry here. Laundrymat is one block away. Laundrymat owner can wash/dry/fold for you is you are too busy. Mcdonalds, KFC, Subway, Restaurants, Scotia Bank and TD Trust are 1-2 blocks away. Groundfloor, 3 steps up with lots of windows. No pets, no smoking, no party and no boyfriends sleeping over. We require TIDY AND RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE ONLY WITH ID. Let us know WHEN and HOW LONG you will stay and a bit of yourself. Deposit required. Request pictures from female.tutor@ymail.com or text 778-859-9498 for viewing starting April 8. No calls will be received. Thank you.
- カテゴリー
- シェア(1人部屋)
- 家賃
- 450カナダ・ドル/ 月 (光熱費込み)
- デポジット
- 225カナダ・ドル
- 入居時期
- 2017年4月14日以降
- 家具
- あり
- 洗濯機
- なし
- インターネット
- あり
- 喫煙
- 喫煙不可
- 性別
- 女性希望
- 住所
- Kingsway and Victoria Drive
Google mapが自動で生成しています。そのため表示が正しくない場合もあります
- 最寄り駅
- Nanaimo station
- 投稿者
- Tita
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