luxury bag buyer
It's quite easy job that you just buy luxury bags or wallets from the Harrods department store in London.
In return, we will give you 5 pounds per item you purchase.
On average, you can buy around 10 - 14 items for 2-3 hours.
For example, if you have purchased 10 items, 5 pounds X 10 items = 50 pounds
If interested, please contact me on below.
Name: Sam Hwang
Mobile: 074 4605 7279
Line or Wechat ID: winscon90
- 業種
- Buyer
- 職種
- Buyer
- 語学力
- 不問
- 雇用形態
- パートタイム
- 給与
- 日給:70 GBP
- 勤務地
- Knightbridge
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- 非公開
- 担当者
- Luxury Buyer
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