Cleaning business for sale!!
This business includes domestic, commercial, oven and window cleaning. The working hours are flexible and family friendly.
An individual can easily run this business on their own or could be a great start for a couple wanting to grow the business to a bigger size and income
The sale price is $24000 for the business, with the option of purchasing a sign written vehicle (2006 Mazda Premacy) for $7000.
You will also need to purchase the start up and equipment pack which includes: a training and induction program ;all new product and equipment; uniform; business cards and stationary; and marketing materials
If you are interested please contact
Shoko Woods 021642377, or Nathan Woods 02108337066"
PS only selling due to a significant change in our family circumstances
- カテゴリー
- Selling business!
- 価格
- 24000ニュージーランド・ドル
- 受け渡し方法
- 応相談
- 譲渡期間
- 2015年8月25日以降
- 対応エリア
- Chrisctchurch,Papanui
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- 投稿者
- Shoko or Nathan
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