How do you think about GOD?
- カテゴリー
- サークル, 友達, メル友
- 対応エリア
- Los angels,UA,US
- 投稿者
- Ichiro 外川
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- No.5 Ichiro 2019/01/18 02:42
- Hello.I'm Japanese freelance writer,Ichiro.I want to know about the state of the people of refugees,who living in America.especially from Central and South America,for work.
- No.4 guest 2018/10/29 02:31
- I’m bothered about refugees, and people of immigrant all over the world. Rohingya, Kurdish ethnic, African, and many others. Do you know about refugees or immigrant people’s worst environment, in Japanese immigration office? It’s same as prison. I hear that Kurdish family came to Japan, as immigrant, but, their father was a hanging suicide, cause he got trauma by tortue in Turkey. Maybe you know, what happened in Saudi Arabia.
- No.3 guest 2018/10/27 00:55
- Thank you,miss Kate.My dead mother was a Christian who had baptism,in Hakodate city in island north Japan.My family become a member of a church,but me and my father did’nt have baptism.Almost Japanese people are custmary Buddhist.However now Japanese people very anxious about American very complicated situation,and a result of next month’s midterm election,US. And we anxious about immigrant people’s social treatment,cause Trump president seems discriminatory and anti-foreignchauvinistic one.
- No.2 Kate 2018/10/26 22:16
- Dear Guest, Thank u for translating all mistakes. I was confused his words lol
My father is American but he does not trust GOD. Not all American are Christian, so I am. It's not about Christian VS Muslim. Many people anxious about relationship between America and other countries. I am immigrant, and many people who are from Muslim countries are here too. We all have pround what they are and we are in USA as immigrant. We won't let Trupm fuck up own countries. We have voice. - No.1 guest 2018/10/25 13:04
- How do you think about GOD? and American politics.Now,world divided perfectry,cuse American presidennt ensnare all people into deep confusion.cause he is Evangelical.So he declared Jerusalem as a capital of Israel.As a resurt of that,Middle East into disputes.I'm very worry about it.Don't you think so? I want to one question ,that,are you Republican or DemocraticParty? Maybe you know what I mean.
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