20% OFF Amazon.jp No. 1 Sales Ranking Natto
food health SALE diet healthy immunity probiotics healthy food

320 times more probiotics than raw natto, 16 billion CFU/g probiotics.
1 teaspoon contains the same probiotics as 10 packages of raw natto!!! Support immunity and gastrointestinal health in the most natural way.
The original Japanese natto powder as seen on TV, magazines, newspapers and everywhere.
-Japanese soybeans
-Fillers and conservatives free
-Natural product
-Made in Japan
Japanese have relied on natto for health and longevity for more than 1000 years, natto powder enhances natto properties by increasing shelf life up to 2 years without losing nutrients and probiotics.
The only vegetal source of VITAMIN K2.
Rich in minerals, amino acids, and exclusive enzymes like nattokinase, a clogs dissolving enzyme.
Just add to your favorite food and enrich it with probiotics, vitamin K2, and more.
Look for #sonomono #nattopowder on Instagram to check the hundredths of people who are using Sonomono natto powder in Japan.
For a limited time only (Oct 13-14) 20% OFF. sold exclusively at amazon.com
- カテゴリー
- 化粧品・ヘルス
- 価格
- 34.9USドル
- 受け渡し方法
- 郵送のみ
- 譲渡期間
- 2020年10月13日 〜 2020年10月14日まで
- 投稿者
- sonomono
- ウェブサイト
- https://www.amazon.com/Sonomono-Natto-Powder-Classic-50g/dp/B086SVP8C5/
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