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-- 2021-05-02 追記 --

Here's not possible to erase functions.
Then, I overwrite for any job, especially when it is possible via Internet.
However, Australia - Japan abuse my right, privacy and potential to aim labour strike omit.
I directly negotiate to governmental association, both side, surrogate of labour union as homeless poor.
They intimidate me and get labour union fee as general salary.
otherwise, the fee is from CCP...war time or stateless ration union.
Anyway, If utilities me in this status, pay your labour union fee or salary... I dull from aschly mobbing...

-- 2021-05-02 追記 --

Chinatown's Pension house maidservant or aborigine sex defense system of Caucasian or... Laity Chinese ration only possible to immediate into Australia?
my ex legal treat seem invalid...
However, coronavirus panic revival white Australia policy and Asian prohibition...

-- 2021-05-02 追記 --

mostly, my special fields full of tax evasion and money laundry, there is laboratory or art, literature.
in CCP's dominant budget of Bankbof Japan or Bank of China, these are so-called labour union budget of bavarian class... or money laundry budget between British and USSR... when did take out British from Japan level, there's uncanny Valley ed poverty...
I am ¥0 ghost writer... behind commune... ist. this is chernobyl disaster? mmm... coopered by east Japan levels ugliness... sad

-- 2021-05-02 追記 --

regardless of CCP's, Japan's immigration policy about patagonian branding... not?
Inuit is more... white is skin... take on north face?
patagonian seems... under columbian...
that's Spanish, mestizo or mulatto 's subordinate ethnic branding.
rather... Manchuria or mogul, so called Gan has intelligence...
Filipino speaking radioactively and suddenly English... what direct it from Tagalong full culture? without historical or religious education...
However, patagonian i more...under all type of mulatto and blackskin... blasian is authorised... legitimate deal is be defy ed... nowhere language.

-- 2021-05-02 追記 --

Tokyo fillinged up police...
but imperial guard? 皇族警備 is inside of the national police alliance...
it seems cover the wards ful non segregation funny farm the Tokyo...
Am I exactly Japan nationality certificate... unfortunately, but they commit il legal evict from Tokyo or Tokyo syndicate... 皇族警備 abuse thier right to Tokyo independent...
stateless? yeah... Nazi had forger imp? more worse...

-- 2021-05-02 追記 --

皇族警備 & 警察 disguise itself Swiss guard in Roma in Vatican...
However, it should after independent or other nationality is issued...
then, they can be terrorist... need other division... defense system support or US military support... immediately...
or.. I need asylum from British policy, commonwealth, NATO, United Nations,... perhaps.

-- 2021-05-02 追記 --

Hangul is not Oxford dictionary...
linguistically, there's no human right...
at the time, Japanese too much protect them...
and Australia government should evict all Hangul... why occupy from skyscrapers to nigh markets?
I cannot get livelihood... till accommodation... made asset bubble?

-- 2021-05-02 追記 --

Bamboo triad occupy Japanese career pass from inside till outside.
There's mobbing me only by Simplified Japanese after WWII, and revised asset bubble time with radiohead, beatles mania.
Then, still it refuse transit to English and wondering Korean peninsula? or Panda MIC?
How it happens? without Traditional Japanese and brand new Japanese like new version of simplified mandarin Chinese... Cantonese did riot...
all insanity and funny farm sex dope?
If I post ad or SOS on this website, as is japaese only bully my life... thier human body is enough to replace to Artificial intelligence... how serve right of abode? in Australia?

-- 2021-05-02 追記 --

Bankruptcy Fraud... run always on Japanland?
loan or mortgage permit is quite law hurdle...
then, this inflation...
After asset bubble, Japan hide bankruptcy...

-- 2021-05-03 追記 --

latest ethnology set Asian as austronesian...not Hawaiian.
the palm tree Judaism seem with basel mission or jehovah's witness...in fact, we'd must forget yellow. it seem occur d by Catholic protest opposite Anglican, from St Andrew's.
in the apocalyptic, Asia and Afro tribe enhanced itself corruption revenues between.
maybe, leprosy ward by Paisley's... Eurasian...
there's lack of specific word, for mixed white Asian beside mulatto.
Asian doctors consecrate to human taxonomy in here, resembling Hideo Noguchi, reason from lack investigation of Africa and pervert to Syrian refugee camps or gulag.
Frame problem lead me under overdose conformity, which others can't resist, reinforced learning.
it obstacles in my daily life to com posit with radioactive. why hansen disease be renamed leper...?
シェフ・調理師, 飲食店スタッフ, 販売スタッフ, 受付・カウンター, 通訳・翻訳, 美容師, サービス(美容関係), ドライバー・配送, ツアーガイド・添乗員, 医療・介護スタッフ, 教師・インストラクター, 会計・事務・総務, 企画・マーケティング, 営業, デザイナー, プログラマー, エンジニア, 編集・記者
フルタイム, パートタイム, テンポラリー
Yusuke Yamamoto
記事ID:151828 募集を締め切る 編集・更新
No.10 Yusuke 2020/03/14 17:51
Why noone reply for English? live only with Japanese? haha.
That's why I'm here, Germany, in legal.
No.9 Yusuke 2020/03/14 11:00
never say"only I am refugee".
it includes my family.
This from your father, grandfather abused birth tourism.
Unfortunately, so-called Japanese shouldn't be born.. but, the sprem bank is scattered round the unsanitary world.
It's uncountable sanctuary from humanoid.
Recent, Coronavirus distribute human rights with death penalty.
Yeah, it's too much. Catholic made pandemic.
No.8 Jusske 2020/03/14 10:51
vielleicht, ich fühle niemand musst in Ausland unter meine Niveau, von Japan.
andere-weise, Es ist nicht japanische.
und Es ist nicht manchen or katholischen.
nur terrorist, dann ich Lehre mit Gentleman.
No.7 Yusuke 2020/03/14 09:25
outside doesn't accept, till fast food staff.
But, I'm definite elite in Japan.
It's problem... limits my life.
Did you read consititutional law?
It reaches international rules, in UN, past League of Nations.
This even... EU owns, from upperside.
Then, conflicts between Imperialism from UK.
Besides, so-called UK allows Catholicism.
seem opponents against empire-ism.
But, it also British-charted.
Then, from everyside, Japan is considered as human rights abuser. Then, it's nowhere and nobody.
No.6 ゆうすけ 2020/03/14 08:43
すべての企業というのは、教会と考えても良いでしょう。つまり、大切にしている血筋があって、Castle (ヒエラルキー)があります。そこで年功序列などの思想があった場合、やる気や特技あると失礼極まりない。早くお亡くなり担ってくださいと言っているようなものです。なので、国内だと書類も面接も通ってしまうので、海外向けの接待として難民申請している次第です。あしからず。
No.5 guest 2020/03/14 08:24
No.4 ゆうすけ 2020/03/14 06:02
No.3 guest 2020/03/14 05:52
No.2 ゆうすけ 2020/03/14 03:25
No.1 guest 2020/03/14 02:49