マンリー ホームステイ
Japanese language- to help teach my son... maybe 30min a day x 5 days a week
House cleaning- 1 or 2 x a week
Light cooking/dishes-4 x a week (meal prep or actual cooking)
Laundry- 1 to 2 x a week
Errand running- 1 x a week
Ironing- 1 x a week
If you play guitar…3 x a week with our son
If you surf...3 x a week with our son
The days/hours are flexible, we can mostly meld to your schedule, we are in Manly 1 block to beach, you will have a bedroom with queen bed and tv and wifi as well as food. Rent would typically be at least 400 plus bills and plus food but we will say it is 400 p/w total all inclusive so it is in your favor!!! To pay off your room and board would be 22 hours of work... (that equals 18.00 an hour) we are really hoping for live in but will consider hourly for the right person. You could be going to school or have another part time job as well. If you work over the 22 hours we would pay you hourly.
You do not have to be a qualified teacher nor chef.... basic skills ok. We are looking for an all around family helper. Here are some sample time schedules, but again we are open to fit into your schedule Mon- Fri 4 hours a day & Sat. 2 hours :
M-F 2:00-6pm Sat. anytime
M-F 7-8:00am & 3pm to 6pm Sat. anytime
M-F 7- 8:00am & 11:00-1:00 & 5:00-6:00pm Sat. anytime
You get the idea, look forward to finding the perfect fit!
- カテゴリー
- シェア(1人部屋)
- 家賃
- 400オーストラリア・ドル/ 週 (光熱費込み)
- デポジット
- なし
- 入居時期
- 2018年1月27日以降
- 家具
- あり
- 洗濯機
- あり
- インターネット
- あり
- 喫煙
- 喫煙不可
- 性別
- 指定なし
- 住所
- Manly NSW 2095 Australia
Google mapが自動で生成しています。そのため表示が正しくない場合もあります
- 投稿者
- Lauren
- 全てのコメント
- この記事は新規コメントの受付を終了しています。
- 関連する記事
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