About refugees,and Trump President


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Hello.I’m Japanese freelance writer,Ichiro.I want to know about the state of the people of refugees,who living in Europe,especially from Middle East,Syria and others.cause now Trump President is plunged into chaos the world.as a result of that,nationalism spread around the world.I’m so worry about it,from the bottom of my heart.

And、I want to know about refugees living America, either.especially,from central and south America.Why Trump President to build the wall,by which prevent refugees from entering? Contrary to humanitarian?
記事ID:109534 募集を再開する 編集・更新
No.1 Ichiro 2019/01/19 05:55
Hello.I’m Japanese freelance writer,Ichiro.I want to know about the state of the people of refugees,who living in Europe,especially from Middle East,Syria and others.cause now Trump President is plunged into chaos the world.as a result of that,nationalism spread around the world.I’m so worry about it,from the bottom of my heart.

 And ,I want to know about refugees living America, from central and south America.Why Trump President to build the wall,by which prevent poor refugees from entering?