- 求人・アルバイト
- 求職・仕事探してます
Food Service Supervisor
3月13日Kamei Baru Japanese restaurant is seeking a Food Service Supervisor for their downtown Vancouver location. Full-time, permanent; $13 per hour; 40 hours per week Standard 8 hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 9am and 12am as required. Duties: - Opening and closing... -
3月9日Chura Hair Salon is seeking a Hairstylist for its Downtown location. Requirements: - Must have completed an apprenticeship or college program in hairstyling plus on the job training OR have a minimum of 3 years of professional experience if no formal hairstyling training or education. - Previous... -
Head Cook
3月6日Ebisu Japanese restaurant is seeking a Head Cook for their downtown Vancouver location. F/T; $22.60/hr; 40 hours per week Standard 8-hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 10:00am and 12:00am as required. Duties: - Coordinating and overseeing kitchen staff and cooks... -
Food Service Supervisor
2月21日Nagomi Project Ltd. dba SHIZENYA is seeking a Food Service Supervisor for their West Broadway location. Permanent, F/T (40 hours per week), $13/hour Standard 8-hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 10am and 11pm as required. Duties: - Opening and closing the... -
Hair cut service
2月20日Hi, I am senior student from Blanche Macdonald Center pro hair program. I would like to offer free men hair cut with hot face shave on March 1 morning at Q&A Salon, 410 Robson St only by appointment. Please contact me at diana526@gmail.com Thanks. -
2月17日Nagomi Project Ltd. dba SHIZENYA is seeking a Cook for their West Broadway location. Permanent, F/T (40 hours per week), $13.50/hour Standard 8-hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 10am and 11pm as required. Duties: - Prepare ingredients; - Prepare sushi and other... -
2月13日JAPAN OPEN STAGE第2弾!! ジャパカナ、移民、ワーホリ、留学生、などなどバンクーバーに滞在する日系人が集まるライブパフォーマンスイベントを開催します!ダンスやアカペラ、サーカス、演劇、、、何でもありの超オープン型です! 一緒にイベントを盛り上げてくれるパフォーマー仲間を募集しています。 あなたの特技を披露し、バンクーバーに爪痕を残す大チャンス☆☆☆さらにあなたのパフォーマンスを、新たな繋がり・進化へと導びきます。 出演枠残り3枠!!!! このチャンスを見逃すなーーー!!!!!!!!!! ●3月23日(木) ●会場:Seven Dining Lounge(53 W... -
2月12日日給:$50 IT・コンピューター日本語が母国語で英語も話せる方にピッタリの、数時間で終わるワークです。弊社のShepherdアプリをご利用頂き、英語で提示されるフレーズから200のフレーズを読み上げて録音していただくよう、ご協力をお願い致します。録音終了後30日以内に、お一人様一言語につきペイパルを通して$50(カナダドル)をお支払いします。この200のフレーズは、全て同一ユーザ様による録音であることが必要です。ご参加は一度きりとさせていただきます。 【仕事内容】 弊社のShepherdアプリを利用し、英語で200フレーズを読み上げて録音していただくよう、ご協力をお願いいたします。 【現在募集中の言語】... -
Hair Tokyo 美容師募集
2月10日新しくオープンする美容院でカットしてくれる美容師の方を募集しています! 10分くらいでカットのみのスタイルを提供する美容院です。 場所:メトロタウン・ヒルトンホテルの2階(2801 Kingsway, Burnaby) 条件:理髪師免許&就労ビザをお持ちの方 詳細はお問い合わせください : yescanadanow @gmail.com ご連絡お待ちしています!! -
Food Service Supervisor
2月6日Nagomi Project Ltd. dba Kurumucho Japanese Taco Shop is seeking a Food Service Supervisor for their downtown Vancouver location. Full-time, permanent; $14 per hour; 40 hours per week Standard 8 hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 10:30am and 10pm as required.... -
☆☆ スタイリスト 急募 ☆☆
2月5日時給:月給制 おうそうだ ヘアカット・美容スタイリスト・アシスタント募集中 バンクーバーに2店舗の美容室を運営するhive hair spa が両店舗でスタッフを募集します。 ブロードウェイ店 680 West Broadway Vancouver オーク店 8257 Oak Street Vancouver 美容が好きで多くのお客様に接していきたい方、 明るく元気な方、体力に自信がありやる気のある方を募集します。また、語学力に自身のない方も、仕事しながら十分に語学を学ぶことができる環境です。 弊社では、安心して海外で生活をしていけるように確実に安定した所得を得れるようしてあります。 【募集要項】 ポジション:... -
Two Head Cooks
2月1日Ramen Jinya is seeking Two Head Cooks for their Downtown Vancouver restaurant. Permanent, F/T (40 hours per week), $15/hour (plus extended health and dental benefits after completion of 3 months probation period) Standard 8-hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 9am... -
Seafood Sales Representative
2月1日年俸:50,000.00 商社・貿易Job Title: Seafood Sales Representative (JP&EN) Reference #: PFSRNS240117 Duration of Employment: Permanent Full-time Start Date: ASAP Work Hours: Workings hours may vary depending on workload. Overtime work is required during busy seasons (Spring-Summer) Business trip: Frequent business... -
2月1日Masayoshi Restaurant is seeking a Cook for their Vancouver location. Permanent, F/T (40 hours per week), $13.50/hour Standard 8 hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 2pm and 12am as required Duties: - Prepare ingredients; - Prepare Japanese food items (everything... -
2月1日Salon Esprit is seeking a Hairstylist for its Downtown Vancouver location. Requirements: - Must have completed an apprenticeship or college program in hairstyling plus on the job training OR have a minimum of 3 years of professional experience if no formal hairstyling training or education. -... -
2月1日Kaen Beauty Design Studio is seeking a Hairstylist for its Downtown Vancouver location. Requirements: - Must have completed an apprenticeship or college program in hairstyling plus on the job training OR have a minimum of 3 years of professional experience if no formal hairstyling training or... -
Student Advisor/Counsellor
1月27日Westcoast International Education Consulting in Canada Ltd. is seeking a Student Advisor/Counsellor Permanent, Full-time (40 hours per week), $28/hour Duties: - Counsel students on educational issues such as ESL, college and university and other school selection and course and program... -
Drafting Technologist
1月27日Fang Design Studio Inc. is looking for a Drafting Technologist. Type of Drafting: - Computer-aided drafting (CAD), Detailing drafting, Presentation drawings Duties: - Develop and prepare design sketches, - Complete documentation packages and drawing sets, - Examine drawings for conformity... -
Food Service Supervisor
1月25日Rajio Japanese Public House is seeking a Food Service Supervisor for their Kitsilano location. Full-time, permanent; $17 per hour; 40 hours per week (plus extended health and dental benefits after completion of 3 months probation period) Standard 8 hour shifts for this position could be... -
1月23日Shiro Japanese Restaurant is seeking a Cook for their Vancouver restaurant. Full-time, permanent; $15 per hour; 40 hours per week (plus extended health and dental benefits after completion of 3 months probation period) Standard 8 hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between... -
1月3日■職種 Educational Sales Adviser and Marketing Assistant ■仕事内容 The Educational Sales Adviser and Marketing Assistant processes student enrollment applications from Canada; maintains our student database; generates invoices and monitors invoice accuracy; establishes regular communication with KI... -
Two Senior Hairstylists
12月12日Misako Hair Studio is seeking Two Senior Hairstylists for its Downtown location. - Must have completed an apprenticeship or college program in hairstyling plus on the job training and have a minimum of 2 years of professional experience OR have a minimum of 4 years of professional experience if... -
12月9日■職種 キャッシャー / フロアスタッフ(フルタイム) ■仕事内容 レジ、接客、品出し、清掃等 ■応募資格 日常会話程度の英語力 土日祝日働ける方 ワーキングホリデービザ9ヶ月以上お持ちの方、移民の方 平日夜21:00時まで働ける方 10kg程度の荷物を持ち上げることができる方 ■待遇・賃金 経験に応じて相談可 ■勤務場所 1199 International Village, 88 West Pender Street, Vancouver, BC V6B 6N9 ■備考、その他 Eメール、またはファックスにて履歴書(英語)を... -
12月8日【募集職種】 マネージメントトレーニー (フルタイム) トレーニングが正常に完了すると、適任者は、スーパーバイザーに昇格されます 【仕事内容】 小売、接客、事務業務 【勤務時間】 9:00AM~9:30PM(休憩1時間) シフト制 土日祝含む週5日勤務 【応募条件】 日本語が母国語レベル ビジネスレベルの英語力をお持ちの方 短大卒業以上 MS Officeに関する中級の知識をお持ちの方優遇 (Outlook, Word, Excel) ビジネス専攻の方優遇 接客経験、百貨店などでの販売経験必須 移民・市民権の方優遇 【給与】... -
Two Cooks
12月8日Octopus’ Garden is seeking Two Cooks for their Vancouver location. Permanent, F/T, $15/hour Standard 8 hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 4pm and 12am as required Duties: - Prepare ingredients; - Prepare sushi and other Japanese food items (everything on the... -
Head Cook
12月7日Nabebugyo restaurant is seeking a Head Cook for their Vancouver location. F/T; $23/hr; 40 hours per week Standard 8-hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 10:00am and 11:00pm as required. Job Location: 3190 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 2W2 Duties: -... -
12月6日Hitoe Sushi Japanese Restaurant is seeking a Cook for their Vancouver location. Permanent, F/T, $13.50/hour Standard 8 hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 10am and 10pm as required Duties: - Prepare ingredients; - Prepare sushi and other Japanese food items... -
Two Ramen Cooks
12月6日Motomachi Shokudo, a Japanese Ramen Restaurant is seeking Two Ramen Cooks for their Downtown Vancouver location. F/T; $14.00/hr; 40 hours per week Standard 8-hour shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 8am and 12am as required. Duties: - Cooking everything on the menu; -... -
Two Ramen Cooks
12月2日Yah-Yah-Ya Ramen is seeking Two Ramen Cooks for their Downtown Vancouver location. F/T; $13.50/hr; 40 hours per week Standard shifts for this position could be scheduled anytime between 9am and 10pm as required. Duties: - Cooking everything on the menu; - Creating ramen soup bases; -... -
11月28日時給:20CAD 小売・販売_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ ・隙間時間を活用したいとお考えの方! ・子育ての合間にできるお仕事をお探しの方! ・ちょっとした副業を探している方! _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ 日本国内でブランド品のネット販売を行っております。 ブランド品の買い付け・発送代行業務スタッフの募集をしております.。 ブランド品は高額なので、破損や紛失などの万が一の際が 不安という方もいらっしゃることかと存じ上げますが、 当方では一切責任を取らせることはございませんので、ご安心ください。...