Private Tutor: English/Korean
I am currently looking for students who need help with English, Japanese, or Korean. Those students who want to learn and be fluent in any of above three languages, congratulations. You are at the right place!
I am a half Korean and a half Japanese male, was born in Seoul, South Korea and raised in Tokyo, Japan and Atlanta, United States. I've finished my BA degree in Political Science with minor in Economics here in US. Now I am impatiently waiting for my acceptance letter while learning and enjoying everything (yes, everything! =D) about this city, starting from the most basic criteria in this globalized generation, the diversity.
My hours are flexible. I will be starting my graduate program this fall. I would love to maximize this opportunity and time to get to know more about this city. And in my personal opinion, the best way to achieve my goal is to "blend” into the local society through interacting with local residences. I am looking for as many students as I can in order to have simultaneously on-going exchange of information to increase the benefits for both parties. Everyone is welcome.
I would love to have fun in every single moment of my life (who doesn't?) and this definitely affects my "philosophy" of teaching. Learning and studying must be fun (although most of the time it's boring, suffering and "sometimes" pain in the a**) in order to maximize the efficiency of learning. And I do cherish and pursue this method with every students with mutual respects and understandings.
Anyways, enough said, if you are interested, don't hesitate to contact me. I am easy going person, I wouldn't scold at you (unless you deserve it o.O?)
Following is my contact information
Phone #: 908-670-0973
Thank you for reading this long and boring ad ;)
God bless you all!
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